The Tamil Creator Podcast (Ep.26): Rick Selvarajah – UK-Based Professional MMA Fighter Turned Entrepreneur
Rick Selvarajah is a professional UK-based MMA fighter turned entrepreneur. He joins Ara to discuss how he went from wanting to lose weight to falling in love with MMA and now owning an academy (Revival MMA and Fitness). They also discuss the worst injury Rick every sustained, how fatherhood changed him, the most money he’s ever made from a fight, the notion that time is the most important commodity, and much more!
Ara Ehamparam
Business Owner
Toronto, Canada
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"The Tamil Creator" is a podcast started by me (Ara Ehamparam). As someone who is extremely inquisitive by nature, I created the podcast to chat with, spotlight, and learn about brilliance among creators in the Tamil community - and among creators in general from all over the world.

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00:53 – Ara introduces this week’s guest, Rick Selvarajah

02:22 – How Rick entered the world of MMA, how someone being a professional fighter

06:36 – Rick’s first professional fight

07:48 – The worst injury he ever sustained

10:00 – How Rick balances training, work (his academy Revival MMA and Fitness), and other obligations (i.e., family)

11:22 – When will Rick retire?

13:42 – Rick talks about his son, why the last time he fought was over 3 years ago

16:44 – How Rick makes money as a professional fighter

18:06 – The most Rick has ever made for a fight

21:08 – What motivates Rick to work in this profession

24:25 – When/why Rick started Revival MMA and Fitness, how its progressing

26:47 – How he finds students to train at his academy

28:36 – Insecure about setting a bad example for his son

30:11 – Hobbies outside of work and training; family interaction, thrill seeking, etc.

32:06 – Rick’s relationship with money, his investing strategy, why time is the most valuable commodity

39:06 – The last book Rick read (Analects of Confucius), his favourite podcast (JRE), why he admires Jordan Peterson

41:40 – Using YouTube for learning; building a cabinet during quarantine

43:44 – Where Rick sees himself in 3-5 years

44:30 – The impact that the UK Tamil community has had on Rick

46:14 – Rick’s admiration for his grandfather, and the coaches and people he trains with at his gym

48:47 – Advice Rick would give to other fellow Tamil creators

51:21 – Would You Rather

53:35 – The Wrap Up


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