myTamilDate.com has been the most trusted dating community for single Tamils around the world for close to a decade! It’s the premiere dating platform for diaspora Tamils and has the largest membership base in Canada, USA, UK & more. You can join the community for free at www.myTamilDate.com.
Jenani & Nav are our latest myTamilDate.com success story. It was all about being at the right place and at the right time in life for their love to blossom into a marriage!
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Jenani: I'm 35 and from Mississauga. I work as a Logistics Coordinator and enjoy traveling, cooking and reading.
Nav: I am 39 years old, from Brampton, I work as a graphic designer, I am into gaming, movies , music and pop culture.
When did you first join myTamilDate.com? What made you want to try myTamilDate.com?
Jenani: I joined myTamilDate.com during the early pandemic around April 2020. I’ve been divorced for around 4 years so I thought I’d give it a try.
Nav: I joined MTD in the year 2018, I wanted to try MTD because I was not having any luck meeting people on other platforms, also I did not have time to socialize with busy work schedule.
So, who messaged first?
Jenani messaged first.
What first attracted you to the other person and made you want to meet in person?
Jenani: I was most attracted to him and when I saw a sensitive, kind soul.
Nav: We had good chemistry from the start, open communication and I was attracted to her mannerisms.
From messaging to the first date, how much time passed?
Jenani: We chatted frequently to daily via text message and met 2 months after.
Where did you go for your first date and how was it? Please describe how your date went/what you did/how long it was etc.
Jenani: We met at a coffee shop and clicked instantly. No awkward feeling. We felt comfortable with each other instantly and stayed up for hours chatting in the car. Felt like something you do in high school which made it feel all the more authentic.
Some studies say that within 30 seconds of meeting a new person, we can gauge attraction. Was that true for you?
When did you realize that this was your ‘special someone’ and you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with them? How do you feel about the saying ‘when you know, you know’?
Jenani: I felt he was “the one” during our daily chats. Being the introvert I am, (as we both are) I felt comfortable discussing deep intense topics with him. We were both on the same moral code and our souls aligned.
Nav: After a few conversations on the phone, and after the initial meeting, I knew she was someone special.
How did your respective families and friends react to the fact you met on a dating site?
Jenani: My parents were over the moon delighted that I even met someone. They are well aware that couples are meeting online now so that was no issue.
Nav: They were not too surprised as many couples are meeting online more and more.
How did you propose? When is the big day?
Jenani: The idea of proposals is something we both were not a fan of. We were held on the belief of a long term relationship eventually leading to marriage as our intention. So the surprise element of a proposal was not part of our big day. Our big day was Aug 21, 2021.
What advice would you give to those looking for love but finding it difficult to meet someone?
Jenani: Find ways to recover from past traumas. Unresolved traumas can hold back from connecting with someone special as it arrests you from being your authentic self. If you still find it hard, try paying for an online dating service where there are others who are serious about what they are looking for.
Nav: Keep trying, don't give up, be yourself.
What factor would you say patience played in your journey of finding love?
Jenani: Not sure if patience played a role in my journey of finding love. It was more of, right place and the right time in our case. Although I strongly believe in not rushing in when searching for someone special.
Nav: Patience played a big role - you can't expect to meet someone right away, it takes some perseverance.
Even though online dating is the most effective and popular way to get married these days, some people in the Tamil community still find it to be a taboo. What would you say to them?
Jenani: There are so many pro’s to online dating. With our busy schedules, online dating makes it really convenient to meet/chat at your available time and offers a huge variety of potential candidates to narrow down your search. It's also important to evolve and adapt into this ever changing society we live in.
Nav: I would say be more open minded, we live in a world where technology offers more choices and more efficient ways to accomplish our goals. Online dating is just an extension to what we already did in the past by visiting temples, and community events, except it can be done in the comfort of your own home. You can also share your profile with potential candidates to gauge interest.
Meet Another MTD Couple:
**Looking to create your love story? Join the other couples who have dated and married through myTamilDate.com!***
"myTamilDate Success Story: It Was Love At First Sight For Madhu & Niya"
"myTamilDate Love Story: Jenani & Nav Found Each Other At The Right Time And Right Place In Life"
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"How France Met Canada: A MyTamilDate.com Love Story"
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