Tamil Innovators: Kabo CEO & Founder, Vino Jeyapalan
Our latest Tamil Innovators Spotlight, in partnership with Startup Dojo, features innovator Vino Jeyapalan, founder of Kabo Fresh Dog Food, a startup that uses doggy data to deliver healthier diets for your dog. They were recently featured on Dragon's Den and have been selected for Forbes 30 under 30 list.
TamilCulture Media
Toronto, Canada
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-Featured image from Medium

TC's Tamil Innovators Spotlight is an online series which puts the spotlight on individuals from the global Tamil community who are building great products, services and initiatives.

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  • Individuals and organizations can publish their stories
  • Professionals can network and collaborate *Shops can sell their products


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"myTamilDate Love Story: Jenani & Nav Found Each Other At The Right Time And Right Place In Life"

"myTamilDate.com Love Story: Tharshi & Ravi Found Love During Lockdown"

"myTamilDate.com Love Story: Suji & Sinthu Lived 15 Minutes Apart For Years And Never Met Until Joining MTD"

"How France Met Canada: A MyTamilDate.com Love Story"

***CLICK HERE to listen to us on Spotify!***


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TamilCulture Media
Entrepreneur | TamilCulture.com
Toronto,  Canada
TC is a community platform that helps you discover Tamil Thinkers, Creators and Doers.
TC is a community platform that helps you discover Tamil Thinkers, Creators and Doers.
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