An Invite to TC Readers: Participate in a Study about the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Toronto!
I am conducting a study about second-generation Sri Lankan Tamil Canadians, focusing on the relationship between the way that they identify themselves and how they fit into Canada. I’m conducting this as part of research for my graduate studies at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, in Canada.
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Research Study: Hybridity and Integration: A Look at the Second Generation Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Toronto

To: TamilCulture Readers

My name is Akalya Atputharajah, and I am conducting a study about second-generation Sri Lankan Tamil Canadians, focusing on the relationship between the way that they identify themselves and how they fit into Canada. I’m conducting this as part of research for my graduate studies at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, in Canada. I’m working under the direction of my supervisor Dr. Mehrunnisa Ahmad Ali from Ryerson University.

Are you:

  • 18 years or older?
  • A person who was born in Canada?
  • Living in Toronto?
  • A person of Sri Lankan Tamil origin?
  • A person with one or more parent who was born outside of Canada?

If so, I invite you to participate in an online survey which should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. If you are willing, I may then contact you for a one-on-one phone interview that will take about 30-60 minutes to complete. I will ask you questions about self-identity and how it feels to be of Sri Lankan Tamil origin in Canada. Your participation in this study would greatly contribute to growing knowledge about the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora, specifically second-generation Canadians and their integration into Canada!

While no physical harm is likely to result from the interview, some questions may make you feel uncomfortable, stressed, or anxious. You do not need to answer questions that you do not want to answer or that make you feel uncomfortable, and you can stop participating at any time. I will keep the information that you provide during your participation confidential. You will not be personally identified in any publication(s) that result from your participation. Your participation in this study is voluntary; if you decide to stop participating, there will be no
consequence to you.

If you would like to participate in this study, please click the following link: Hybridity and Integration: A Look at the Second Generation Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Toronto - Survey If you have any questions or concerns about this study, please contact me at [email protected]!

Akalya Atputharajah Ryerson University

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