Thamilachi Power - Join Us
On Saturday, March 3, women from across the GTA will be marching together in downtown Toronto to recognize International Women’s Day (IWD). IWD is recognized worldwide each year on March 8 to mark the victories and struggles of the women’s rights movement.
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Siva Samson Ravindran
Security Professional
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Saturday, March 3, women from across the GTA will be marching together in downtown Toronto to recognize International Women’s Day (IWD).

IWD is recognized worldwide each year on March 8 to mark the victories and struggles of the women’s rights movement. IWD recognizes and celebrates the achievements women have made in the fight for human rights, equity, environmental, economical and social justice. IWD is also an opportunity for us to remember and honour sisters we have lost because of violence, abuse, war and genocide.

Thamil women have been participating in IWD marches for the last two decades. This year, Thamil women-identifying sisters are organizing the march to showcase #Thamilachi Power. It will be an opportunity for Thamil women to highlight women leaders that have had an impact on our collective Thamil women herstory. Globally, Thamil women continue to show their strength, leadership and resilience as they challenge oppression, patriarchy, misogyny and sexisim.

 This year’s theme for the march is “LIBERATION: Honouring Our Sisters, Celebrating Our Victories, Strengthening Our Resistance On Indigenous Land”. The march is open to all women-identified, queer, trans, non-binary, non-gender conforming individuals and allies.

March Details:

Date: Saturday March 3rd, 2018

Meet up time: 12:30pm

Meet up location: outside OISE (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) located at 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto. Closest TTC subway stop is St. George station (Bedford Road Exit)

 The march will take approximately an hour and will end at Ryerson University. At the conclusion of the march, attendees are highly encouraged to attend the rally for Tina Fontaine at Nathan Phillips Square to show solidarity for the ongoing struggles related to missing and murdered indigenous women.

For more information on the IWD march please email us at [email protected] or visit the event’s Facebook page via the link:

In Solidarity,
Oru Thamilachi

Siva Samson Ravindran
Security Professional
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