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*This is not medical advice, but tips provided by the author. Please consult your medical professional for how this type of traditional practice can help your wellness journey.
While Panjiri is proven to have a great benefits for lactating and pregnant women, it is not only for women or lactating women, it has many health benefits for everyone.
Weight management: Many ingredients that we use in Panjiri maintain body heat and improves metabolism.
Joint health: As gondh and Kamarkass gondh are two major ingredients they loosen and improve the lubrication in the joints.
Immunity Booster: It has many dry fruits, raisons, ghee and spices that naturally improve the immunity especially during winters.
Radiant Skin & hair health: Due to the enriched vitamin-A and E Panjiri is a great recipe to maintain healthy hair and skin. Learn more about its heatlh benefits here.
How to make your "Panjiri"
Ingredients you need:
Wheat- 200g
Jaggery- 100g
Gond- 2tbs
Cashew nuts- 20g
Melon seeds- 10g
Green cardamom- 2
Carrom seeds- 1 tbs
Cumin- 2tbs
Dry Ginger- 1 tbs
Apricot- 20g
Kamar Kass-20g
Ghee- 200g
Method: In a deep bottomed pan add ghee and roast all the seeds & dry nuts and keep them aside. Now, in the same ghee, add the wheat flour (use stonegrounded flour for maximum benefits) and slow roast until it is dark brown in colour. Now mix all the ingredients together.
Mix well 1 tbsp of Panjiri in a glass of hot milk. Pregnant women usually consume this 2 times in a day & women above 45 have it once a day.
To make laddoos just add hot ghee and roll it into a laddoo. You can store these for about a week.
*This is not medical advice, but tips provided by the author. Please consult your medical professional for how this type traditional practice can help your wellness journey.
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