Introducing the Tamil Diaspora Alliance
Tamil Diaspora Alliance is a network to bring together the Tamil people, beyond organizational and/or geographical divides, to be one strong united force of the Tamil Diaspora.
Abiramy Logeswaran
Medical Student
New York, United States
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Tamil Diaspora Alliance (a.k.a "Alliance"), established in 2021, is an initiative led by the 2nd generation of the Tamil Diaspora with the goal of uniting the Tamil people beyond organizational and/or geographical divides in order to be one strong united force. Years of bad party politics, hidden agendas, and failed strategies have left our Tamil Nation disjointed and our Tamil people have had to pay the price. The next generation aims to change this narrative and rewrite the destined future of our people. 

The vision of the Alliance is "The unity of today breeds the innovation of tomorrow." 

The ideology of the Alliance is: Tamil Diaspora Alliance believes that as long as the Tamil people persist with a fragmented view of self, limited by existing modes of operation and varying ideologies, there will not be any significant progress made for the Tamil Nation. Therefore, our aim is to put forth and apply the innovative concept of “re-creation of self”, as the mode of future action. We will come together under a common ideology, create a united front, and act cooperatively to strengthen the collective identity of the Tamil people. Through this process, we must create the necessary framework and structures to form the foundation of the Tamil Nation, put in place mechanisms to catalyze nation-building, and subsequently act to empower, protect and develop it. 

There are 12 sectors within the Alliance including (a) Tamil Language/Culture/Heritage (b) Media (c) Education (d) Empowerment (e) Finance/Entrepreneurship (f) Outreach (g) Students/Sports (h) Human Rights (i) Environmental Protection/Organics/Sustainability (j) Legal Counsel (k) IT/Technology team and (l) Resources/Archives. All of these sectors are overseen by young leadership across 11 countries in the diaspora. 

Tamil Diaspora Alliance has also launched several projects in the homeland including providing no-interest loans to farmers in Amparai (Eastern Province, Sri Lanka) through the cooperative (co-op) setup to help them cultivate their lands and not have to be internally displaced in search of other forms of employment during this economic crisis. Alliance is also funding a fertility clinic located in the District General Hospital in Mullaitivu to provide IUI treatments for couples who have been suffering from subfertility issues (largely due to the aftermath of the war chemicals used in the conflict). Alliance plans to open a new fertility clinic in the District General Hospital in Mannar next month. Tamil Diaspora Alliance is also providing grains to families in Mullaitivu so that they can cultivate thier lands and be able to withstand the food scarcity due to the economic crisis. Alliance is also rebuilding a school that burned down due to a fire in Oddusuddan, Mullaitivu, which will be ready to open its doors to the students in January 2022. The team is also planting trees in the Northern Province to commemorate the month of November. 

Tamil Diaspora Alliance invites everyone, individuals, families, sports clubs, dance schools, businesses, entrepreneurs, music groups, restaurants, artists, etc. to become a member of the Alliance so that we can strengthen our collective identity and coordinate and collaborate with one another to strengthen our Tamil Nation and protect the voice and will of our brothers and sisters back home. Please visit our website to learn more about this initiative and to sign up to be a member under our "Membership" tab. Please email us at [email protected] to find out more! 

With your ideas and contribution, we can make this network strong for our future generations! This is your Alliance. 

Thank you! 


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Abiramy Logeswaran
Medical Student
New York,  United States
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