Though I have crazy curly hair which has a mind of it's own, this article is for all my girlfriends (and all you guys out there who like to sport longer locks!) with fine hair.
Fine hair is a story of it's own. You have to deal with flat and oily hair that just gets limp and weighed down as the day goes on. I asked a few of my acquaintances for tricks that have worked for them. I'm here to share a little knowledge with you all. So if fine hair is what troubles you, read on!
1. Wash your hair often!
You know how it is ladies - the moment you feel oil in your hair, the more it weighs down and becomes flat. The trick here is continue to wash your hair often, counter to what people would normally say. Just like any other type of hair out there, the more you shampoo the more your natural oils build up. This doesn't really benefit fine hair since you'd like to have less oil build up. Regular shampoos contain sulfates which strips your hair of it's natural oils. Your scalp's response is to create more oil. Try using a sulfate-free, paraben-free type shampoo to help with build up.
2. Avoid Conditioner
I know, your hair feels soft and luscious after you've treated your hair with coconut or floral scented conditioning. It's hard to resist but since fine hair already has a lot of build up, you are only adding to the weight by using conditioner that contains oils and silicones. Avoid conditioner on your roots and use small quantities for the bottom half (just below the neck) of your hair.
3. Blow dry your hair upside down!
Sleeping on wet hair isn't a good idea since fine hair doesn't have the same bounce and volume as normal to curly hair. And you should definitely blow dry your hair. However, flip your hair upside down! It will be the best way to get to your roots and add some volume.
4. Use Sea Salt Spray
I wrote about how the miracle DIY/Store Bought sea salt spray is with my curly mane and just like curly hair, it can work wonders for fine hair! It adds that well needed texture to your fine hair without weighing it down too much like heavy mousse and gel.
Lavender Sea Salt Spray Recipe:
- 1 cup warm distilled/filtered water (to avoid chlorine & other chemicals from tap water)
- 2 tbsp fine ground sea salt
- 1 tsp argan oil (helps with split ends+damage)
- 3-4 drops lavender essential oil (for the beautiful scent!)
5. Avoid touching your hair!
Yes, the easiest way to avoid oil build up is to avoid touching your hair! It's really hard to resist running your fingers in your freshly washed silky smooth hair. However, all the dirt and natural oils from your fingers and hands will just get in your hair.
And these are my simple five tricks for fine hair! Comment below with your own tips and tricks and things that did or did not work for you guys.