Eight years ago, exactly to this day, I broke down in tears, when the TV screen announced that the young, black Senator Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States of America. Back then, I was in the best company I could ever imagine. That of a young interracial couple from the black and white community, who worked only a few hundred meters away from where President Obama would eventually deliver his inauguration speech. All three of us had prepared well for this day. Early morning, before sunrise, we woke up in our tiny Hindu Ashram and walked down into the valley of the beautiful village of Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, India. It was calm, too calm, if you know how buzzing the streets of India usually are. There was a sense of suspense and excitement in the air. We sat in an electronic store, whose owner we had asked to open the shop for us, to watch the historic moment on one of their display TVs intended for sale. There we sat, cheered and sobbed.
The young black Senator
I had followed Senator Obama long before most of our American brothers and sisters had known his name. I was fascinated by him, captivated by his spirit, his authenticity and the fresh air he brought to politics. Watching the series '24' I told my friends that the next U.S. president would be an inspiring, strong, black man. I endured all the laughter and mockery as people poked fun at my 'illusional' visions and dreams. But I knew it, and hoped for it, from the bottom of my heart.When Obama announced his candidacy, polling at a few percent, I believed in him. Not only because of him, but because I had faith in the progressive people of America. Yes, he made mistakes, grave ones even, yet I still hold him in high regard, because I believe that he authentically tried everything in his power, to make this world a better place, and will continue to do so.
The historic chance
Today, our brothers and sisters from the U.S. have another chance to make history. And yes, I'm the last to call any of the main four candidates a good choice to elect, yet I have faith that the people will root for another historic vote, electing the first woman into the White House, re-defining what it means to be a woman in this world!I have always believed that a good leader, a good politician, has a far greater impact than just deciding and giving directions on laws to be implemented. I believe that these figures, yes, even role models to some extent, impact our way of living and looking at the world.
240 years: The end of an era
Dreams come true my dear friends, if we believe in them, if we talk about them and most importantly act upon them. It is time for the first woman in the highest position of the country for the first time in 240 years.#ImWithHer
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