Top 10 Most Read TamilCulture Articles of 2016
Who doesn’t love a good year end best of list? 2016 marked the 5th anniversary of TamilCulture Magazine. Our readership reached new heights in places as varied as Canada, US, UK, Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, South Africa and Australia. Here are the Top 10 articles that grabbed your attention this year.
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Who doesn’t love a good year end best of list?

2016 marked the 5th anniversary of TamilCulture Magazine. Our readership reached new heights in places as far flung as Canada, US, UK, Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, South Africa and Australia.

Here are the Top 10 articles that grabbed your attention this year:

10. 6 Places to Meet Tamil Singles by Ara

"Take this for what it is – I’m a happily married Tamil man sharing my insights in terms of where I think Tamil singles will have the most luck with meeting other Tamil singles."

9. I am a Tamil Woman in Love with a Sinhalese Man

"They destroyed our nation. They are rapists. They are murderers. They stole our land. They killed our people.”

My mom would always repeat this to me. She would tell me stories about the war and how brutally everyone had suffered. I, too, believed all her stories. She had brainwashed me into believing that all Sinhalese people were monsters."

8. Is Aziz Ansari’s Tamil Better than Yours?

"The New York Times recently featured Aziz Ansari’s trip back to South India to explore his roots, where he goes onto display his Tamil speaking skills. Watch out Kollywood!"

7. Norway Meets Switzerland in this Tamil Love Story

"We asked our readers to share their unique wedding or engagement photos with us which we’ll be posting regularly. Be sure to share your unique wedding photos with us at [email protected] for a chance to be featured!"

6. “Be Our Pondati” Video about Arranged Marriage Goes Viral

"An IIT-Madras student’s video on arranged marriages has gone viral and was recently published by the Times of India. Consider myTamilDate as an alternative, perhaps?"

5. The Ellen Show Features an Adorable Young Chef and His Puttu Making Skills

"Ellen is known for showcasing emerging young talent and this time around, she’s bringing us this cutie who will be teaching her how to make puttu in an upcoming episode as per their Instagram account. Here’s the video!"

4. Kollywood: A Biased Film Industry by Saimithra Reddy

"It is no secret that India is a nation obsessed with fairness – a country that constantly conveys to women that fair is beautiful. From skincare products like Fair & Lovely and White Tone, the beauty market is filled with dubious creams and powders that claim to make women more fair and “beautiful.” This message is repulsive and absurd.

The majority of Indian women have darker skin complexions ranging from tan to dark brown. To invalidate such a large part of the female population and make women feel as if they need to change themselves to be considered “beautiful” is wrong."

3. Who I Am Today… by Vithya

"Everyone has ups and downs, but even that statement is not widely accepted in our community.

When I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 14 and I came and told my parents, their response was that the doctor was an idiot and didn’t know what he was talking about.

Of course, I believed my parents and never bothered talking about it again - nor did I even try and explore it further."

2. The Seven Year Spark by Shaggy

"It was June 2008 when Nila Thana first met Divinemethod’s photographer Siva Haran on the set of a photo shoot.

“So who made the first move?”

“Siva did. Definitely.” Nila laughs. “He added me on Facebook that night when I got home and he was all like ‘Hey want to see your pictures from the photo shoot? I’ll send them to you. Add me on MSN.’ …and he never showed me them!"

1. January is Officially Declared as Tamil Heritage Month in Canada

"A unanimous decision was made at the House of Commons today declaring the month of January as Tamil Heritage Month under M-24. The motion will “recognize the contributions that Tamil-Canadians have made to Canadian society, the richness of the Tamil language and culture, and the importance of educating and reflecting upon Tamil heritage for future generations by declaring January, every year, Tamil Heritage Month."

From all of us at TamilCulture Magazine, thank you for reading. Here’s to a new year of great articles!

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TC is a community platform that helps you discover Tamil Thinkers, Creators and Doers.
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