Tamil Becomes Art in Singapore
The 'Singapore Soul' created in 2011 by Jaume Plensa sits at the Ocean Financial Centre in Singapore. It's composed of characters from the four national languages of the country -Tamil, Mandarin, Malay and English. Singapore is home to approximately 200,000 people of Tamil background.
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The 'Singapore Soul' created in 2011 by Jaume Plensa sits at the Ocean Financial Centre in Singapore. It's composed of characters from the four national languages of the country -Tamil, Mandarin, Malay and English. Singapore is home to approximately 200,000 people of Tamil background.

If you don't live in Singapore, you can add it to your travel list to check out this sculpture!

[caption id="attachment_11713" align="aligncenter" width="722"]ST_20131213_LVPUBLIC139S03_3959681e Source: The Strait Times Communities[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_11714" align="aligncenter" width="540"]Statue1 Source: The Strait Times Communities[/caption]

-Featured image by Daniel Burton.

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