The late Veerappan is no stranger to Tamils. Him, his bandit ways and his epic moustache were referenced in many Tamil films and songs over the years. As a smuggler, kidnapper and killer he managed to evade arrest for nearly 20 years until he was killed by Indian police officers in 2004. Now, he has gone mainstream. Cosmetics company Lush has introduced a line of products, including moustache wax, inspired and named after Veerappan.
Late Tamil Bada** Veerappan Has Inspired a Mainstream Line of Moustache Wax For Men
The late Veerappan is no stranger to Tamils. Him, his bandit ways and his epic moustache were referenced in many Tamil films and songs over the years. As a smuggler, kidnapper and killer he managed to evade arrest for nearly 20 years until he was killed by Indian police officers in 2004. Now, he has gone mainstream.
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Sep 03, 2014
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