From the inception of our online Tamil Lifestyle magazine, the question "What is Tamil Culture?" has been at the forefront with TC readers.
We publish a diverse range of topics that are approached from a spectrum of perspectives in order to offer possible answers. Our articles cater to the opinions of everyone from conservative traditionalists, to the most liberal views shared by individuals in Tamil diasporas around the world.
But we cannot escape controversy. In the past, articles that tackle interracial relationships, dating in the 21st century, feminism and anything about ‘first world problems’ have been criticized for traversing outside the realm of Tamil culture. But who sets these boundaries? With the rich diversity that exists in each and every diaspora, who truly has the authority to define what it means to be Tamil?
What is the utility of culture in your society? Growing up in the Canadian diaspora, are we in danger of losing our culture? Is assimilation inevitable in order to survive and thrive in a multi-cultural country?
These are the issues that we hope to explore in our upcoming debate!
Diaspora Debates is a new organization, based out of downtown Toronto.
Our Mandate is to provide a forum where individuals from diverse backgrounds can come together to discuss and deconstruct issues pertaining to the Tamil diaspora in an engaging way. To truly deconstruct an issue down to its core truth, it must be examined from multiple different angles and perspectives. This is essentially critical thinking. Sticking to one perspective promotes and gives way to bias.
Through the medium of the debates, we challenge you to be BOLD.
Be Open to changing your mind, Listen to different perspectives and Defend your own beliefs.
Check out our event and find out what we’re all about.
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