Being a Brown Girl
"If all girls were taught how to love each other fiercely instead of how to compete with each other and hate their own bodies, what a different and beautiful world we would live in." - Nikita Gill
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Being a brown girl comes with the difficulties and unfair judgement of aunties and uncles. Unspoken rules of where you can go, what you can do and who you can be friends with. Why is it a massive deal if girls get drunk and go out late but “oh they’re boys, that’s how they’ll be” for guys? Why is there a separate curfew for girls and boys? We’re all trying to experience new things and experiment in life, that’s what life is for. If we don’t experience stuff, then life is just going to be dead. Doing crazy, spontaneous things shouldn’t just be limited to guys. So what if a girl drinks? Suddenly, she’s a bad person and your child shouldn’t be associated with her? She’s let you down as a daughter? Maybe for once you should talk to your child, understand them as a human being. Also understand that experiences and cultures are different all over the world and just because we’re of one culture doesn’t mean we can’t experience others. We’re not all the same, and no one wants to be told who they should be. I know our parents believe everything they tell us is out of good intent, but we all learn from experiences and mistakes. We all learn from each other in the end. This is how we find ourselves. It’s not fair to limit the life of one. Why don’t you try it for yourself? Open your mind up to new things, then you’ll understand that as long as they’re not going super crazy, the things your children are trying are harmless (well most aren’t).
This topic wouldn't be complete without touching on CLOTHES! Why does it matter what clothes we’re wearing? Girls are told not to wear something because their cleavage is on show, or their tummies are on show or just because it fits so beautifully on you, showing off your figure. The saree is a beautiful form of art, a piece of cloth that shows off the elegance and curves of a woman and YET young girls are being criticised for wearing clothes that show the tiniest bit of skin. Aunties, do you realise your cleavage, your curves, your tummy is all on show when you’re wearing a saree? Instead of being hypocritical, and letting young girls feel ashamed to wear what they like, why don’t we teach them to own their looks? Don’t tell your daughter not to wear something because they’re too skinny for the look or too curvy for it, show them how to love the way they look. We are all so beautiful, why do you want to hide that?
Girls have the right to try new things, who even said let’s treat guys like this and girls like that?
To read more of my relatable content on Tamil/Asian experiences and observations in society follow @wordsofatamilgirl on Instagram.
Juvetha Shasheetharan
United Kingdom
Tamil girl living in the UK, writing true words about observations and experiences with...
Tamil girl living in the UK, writing true words about observations and experiences with...
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