The Beautiful Tamil Brides of Sri Lanka
Tamil brides of Sri Lanka put their best foot forward to appear flawless on their wedding day. They set the finest example of balancing glam and elegance.
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Tamil brides of Sri Lanka put their best foot forward to appear flawless on their wedding day. They set the finest example of balancing glam and elegance.


If someone were to ask me what makes Tamil Sri Lankan weddings so special, I’d say it’s how the bride looks on her big day. Without batting an eyelid, of course! The makeup, the jewelry, the styling, and the choice of colors—it beats me how they manage to get it right every single time.


Some believe less is more, and a lot others feel more can be very, very less. The latter is perhaps the reason why several brides seem to overdo their styling. On the flip side, it is commendable how the Tamil Sri Lankan bride can push the boundaries of “bold” while retaining the authenticity of their culture.

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From what I have seen, simplicity equals elegance when it comes to makeup. My two cents: brides should choose shades that complement their skin tone and their overall styling. Taking cues from the Tamil Sri Lankan bride, you can always jazz up but make sure your jewellery, hairdo, and outfit do not overpower your frame and expression.


It’s a joy to photograph Tamil Sri Lankan brides, who I believe set very high standards in bridal styling. To pull off an almost timeless, classic bridal look every single time takes a lot of research and planning.


So, brides, if inspiration is what you’re looking for, these pictures of Tamil Sri Lankan brides should give you a head start. Remember, sometimes not “more” not “less”, but “just right” makes all the difference.


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