விடியலை நோக்கி (Searching For The Light At The End Of The Tunnel)
This is a poem I wrote for a youth Tamil poetry competition organised by Singapore's Ministry of Education, in 2018. It was written about the Sri Lankan civil war mainly and the refugee crisis that ensued. I won a gold award for it.
seval sekkappan
Exec (Media & Programs)
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கான மயிலாட துடிக்கிறது
தொகையை யார் அருத்தாரோ?
கருங் குயில்பாட ஏங்குகிறது
குரவளையை யார் நெறித்தாரோ
நீ மலையா?
நான் மடுவா?
முடிவெடுப்பது யாரோ?
முடிச்சு போட முடியாதோ?
கருவரையும் ஒன்றே
தவிழ்ந்த தாய் மடியும் ஒன்றே
சேய் என்னை பிரித்ததேனோ?
தாய் மார்பில் என் உதிரம் தெளித்ததேனோ?
அந்தி கருக்கவில்லை
கீழ் வானஞ்சிவப்பதை உணரவிடவில்லை
மல்லியும் மனம் கமிழ பூக்க முடியவில்லை
யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்
குரலில்லை எழுப்புவதற்கு
கண் நீர் இல்லை அழுவதற்கு
உணவில்லை வாழ துணிவதற்கு
வேந்தே போனோம் அகதிகளாய்
நொந்தே போனோம் சகதியாய்
வினாக்களின் விடைகளைத் தேடி
திசை அறியாமல் அடியெடுத்தோம் விடியலை நோக்கி
The peacock from the lush forest wants spread its beautiful plumage to dance
But who had sawed its wings off?
The black nightingale yearns to sing
But who had strangled its throat and stolen its voice?
Are you above me, like the mountains?
Am I below you, like the deep valleys?
Who gets to truly decide our placing in this world?
And can’t we ever build a bridge to stand on the same ground?
The womb in which we had been created, is the same
The mother, whose lap we crawled from, is also the same
Why did you separate us, and took her precious child away from her?
Why did my blood have to splatter on her chest?
The evening skies did not darken
We weren’t allowed to feel the crimson of the sun beyond the horizon
The jasmine flower too, could not open its petals and let its heady fragrance enrapture our hearts
They said every country was our land, and that every one were our brothers and sisters
But we don’t have a voice, to raise
We don’t have water, let alone tears, to even cry
We don’t have sustenance, to even dare to dream of a life beyond today
We had suffered our fate as refugees
Stepped on and faded out, like the mud beneath your feet
Searching for answers to our unending questions
We took a step, albeit uncertain, towards where we believe our light lies.
seval sekkappan
Exec (Media & Programs) | Singapore Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Just a 21 year old finding her own footing in this world.
Just a 21 year old finding her own footing in this world.
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