Power Together: Raising Awareness About Sexual Abuse
✨BE UNIQUE, BE REAL, BE AUTHENTIC, BE YOU!✨ ✨Embrace yourself, your voice and your strength!
Amirna Shelton
teacher, travel coach, artist, author, content creator
london, United Kingdom
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Our Project 'POWER TOGETHER' shares our experiences, thoughts, and viewpoints on child sexual abuse, triggering awareness to our community who are unfortunately blinded when it comes to this topic. Together, we are going to show every single one of you that there is life at the end of a tunnel and your self-love, belief, and hope is the magic portal to live a prosperous, joyful, and positive life. 



Amirna Shelton
teacher, travel coach, artist, author, content creator
london,  United Kingdom
A British born, Tamil women speaking about sexual harassment, child abuse, and women em...
A British born, Tamil women speaking about sexual harassment, child abuse, and women em...
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