Hooked On Faith: Discovering Kaavadi Aattam In Quebec
Each summer, for the past 25 years, thousands of Hindu-Tamils from all over Canada and the USA flock to the lush green scenery of the Laurentians for Ther, the Chariot Festival. Discover Kaavadi Attam in Val Morin, QC.
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Each summer, for the past 25 years, thousands of Hindu-Tamils from all over Canada and the USA flock to the lush green scenery of the Laurentians in Quebec for Ther, the Chariot Festival. On this day, a statue of the deity Lord Murugan is taken out and is hand-pulled for a procession throughout the village.

As a spiritual practice, some devotees willingly choose to do a penance ritual named Kaavadi. One of it's forms involve entering into trance while dancing with hooks attached to their back. The more fervent, like Alex,do the "Parva Kaavadi" or "Flying Kavadi" in which they are suspended by hooks through the skin on elaborately decorated trucks while emulating the act of flying. It is considered the highest form of devotion to Lord Murugan.

Directed by Alexandre L. Thibault, this video captures the fascinating ritual.

Instagram : @worldculturephoto


Alexandre L. Thibault
Director | World Culture Photography
I'm a film director at www.worldculturephotography.com
I'm a film director at www.worldculturephotography.com
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