Call For Participants: A Study About The Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora In Canada
You are invited to participate in a confidential research study about the development initiatives from and self‐identification experiences of the second‐generation Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora in Canada!
Akalya Atputharajah
PhD Candidate
Toronto, Canada
Post image

My name is Akalya Atputharajah, and I am conducting interviews with second-generation Sri Lankan Tamil Canadians to learn about their involvement in development initiatives in Sri Lanka, and their negotiations of identity throughout those experiences. I am conducting this as part of research for my PhD dissertation at the University of Ottawa in Ontario, Canada, and I am working under the direction of my supervisor Dr. Susan Spronk, from the University of Ottawa.   


Are you:
18 years or older?
A person who was born in Canada?
A person of Sri Lankan Tamil origin?
A person with one or more parent who was born outside of Canada?
A person who has been or are currently involved in a development initiative geared towards helping people in Sri Lanka (not required to have done fieldwork in Sri Lanka)? 


If you answered yes to all of these questions, I am inviting you to participate in a one-on-one interview that will take about 60-120 minutes to complete. I will ask you questions about your development initiatives, your experiences throughout these initiatives, the factors which influenced your decision to become involved in development, how you felt about your identity throughout those experiences, and how you feel about your role in development. Your participation in this study would contribute to growing knowledge about the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora, specifically second-generation Canadians and their development initiatives from Canada!


Some questions may make you feel uncomfortable, stressed, or anxious- however, you do not need to answer questions that you do not want to answer or that make you feel uncomfortable and you can stop participating at any time. 


I will keep the information that you tell me during the interview confidential. You will not be personally identified in any publication(s) that result from the interview. Your participation in this study is voluntary.  If you decide to stop participating, there will be no consequence to you.

This project will recruit a limited number of participants who will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you would like to participate in this interview, have any questions about this study or would like more information, please contact me at or via my TC profile using the Connect/Message button



Akalya Atputharajah

University of Ottawa

Akalya Atputharajah
PhD Candidate
Toronto,  Canada
Akalya is an intersectional feminist who is passionate about equity and inclusion issue...
Akalya is an intersectional feminist who is passionate about equity and inclusion issue...
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