2 Tamil Canadian PC Members Win in Historical Ontario Elections
Voters across Ontario made their selections yesterday for which leaders would govern their province for the next 4 years.
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Voters across Ontario made their selections yesterday for which leaders would govern their province for the next 4 years. The PC's won the majority of votes making Doug Ford the new premier of Ontario, replacing the defeated Kathleen Wynne of the Liberal party. Out of a total of 124 electoral districts, two of them were won by Tamil Canadians.

29-year-old financial adviser Vijay Thanigasalam of Scarborough-Rouge Park, a first-time candidate, won with 39.61% of the votes. Fellow Tamil Canadian, Sumi Shan from the Liberal party was also a competing candidate in his riding and finished in third place.

Markham Councillor Logan Kanapathi, who is said to be the first Tamil Canadian to be elected to office in North America, of Markham-Thornhill, won with 50.5% of the votes. Fellow Tamil Canadian, Juanita Nathan from the Liberal party was also a competing candidate in his riding and finished in second place.

Election highlights here.

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