Wellness By Usha: Committing To Healthy Lifestyle Practices
My desire to be a mother has guided me towards healthier lifestyle choices.
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Growing up in a healthy household, I have been surrounded by family members who practiced a holistic lifestyle, incorporating mostly natural remedies and deeply nourishing foods.  My mum is a vegan and my older sister is a vegetarian; they have kept me inspired with healthy cooking, natural medicine and beauty regimes all of my life.   

Both of my great-grand daddies were practitioners of ayurvedic lifestyles.  Many of their towns-people looked to them for healing ailments as a result of their expertise in these fields.   Hence, it is befitting to say that I come from a long lineage of wellness.  To add to this wealth of healthy influences, my husband is a fitness enthusiast and motivates me daily to work-out and eat right. 

Yet, with access to all of this wellness, for most of my life, I chose to befriend the other spectrum of food choices, mostly chips and salsa.  I did not adopt the healthy lifestyle that was readily available to me nor take advantage of the support offered to me.  

All that changed after a recent doctor’s appointment.  My doctor brought out my medical report in an awful looking thick brown folder, I only expected the worst news.  She started to list many ailments, including borderline diabetes, hypotension thyroid, PCOS – the list went on.  It was a stark awakening, as my doctor told me that stress was the underlying factor in almost all these varying conditions.  The most devastating news was that my unhealthy lifestyle was preventing me from conceiving a baby.

I decided right there and then that I needed to make a lifestyle change. I could not continue to move forward in this manner, especially if I wanted to have a baby.  That was the start of my wellness journey which I've been sharing with others on my Instagram account - Wellness by Usha.

I hope you will derive as much from it as I have, in focusing on my inner and outer well-being.  I want to share tips on healthy eating choices, beauty enhancing and stress-reducing rituals that are helping me.  I am sharing my experiences in the hopes that it will inspire you to also make better choices alongside me.  

I hope you enjoy my content – and please feel free to connect with me anytime, I would love to hear your thoughts and exchange ideas!  

Stay tuned for tidbits of my IVF journey that I will be sharing soon, amongst other parts of my lifetime commitment to health and well-being.

Follow my Instagram account for regular updates.


Usha Selvarajah
Blogger | Instagram
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