At around 3 years of age, most of us start pointing out the differences between appropriate touching and inappropriate touching to our children. It varies between children as to how fast they pick up on these subtle and not-so-subtle teachings we parents do to keep them from uncomfortable and self-demeaning situations.
Our world has become more complicated over the last two decades ever changing gender roles and expectations. The latter is especially so for boys and young men, who find themselves having to walk on eggshells around the hugely varying expectations of today’s girls and women.
In the 21st century, it's widely known that any obvious and unwanted sexual advances can reap serious repercussions whether in the workplace or in the public arena. The various shades of harassment, reactions, and consequences to sexually aggressive behaviour have been all the talk in the media and public forums of late. So what defines sexual harassment in practical terms? Are the lines being crossed crystal clear or murky?