Sri Lankan Tamil Migration and Diabetes Study
Sri Lankan immigrants in Canada have higher rates of type 2 diabetes than other Canadians. They also have higher rates of diabetes than people from other South Asian countries. We want to understand why this is happening.
Sri Lankan Diabetes and Migration Study
South Asian Health Research Hub
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What is this study about?

We want to learn about your experience living with diabetes. We want to understand how social factors, like moving to Canada from another country, might be related to these high rates of diabetes.

We are doing interviews with people who came from Sri Lanka to Canada in the last 20 years. In these interviews, we will ask questions about what it was like to move to Canada. We will also ask about your experience with diabetes.

What will you have to do?

We are looking for individuals who are interested sharing their experiences in an interview.  


  • Have been born in Sri Lanka
  • Be of Tamil heritage
  • Be living in the Greater Toronto Area
  • Be able to speak English or Tamil
  • Have type 2 diabetes
  • Be 20-64 years old

You will have to complete an interview in either Tamil or English (your choice). The interview will take up to 90 minutes to complete. The interviewer will be a Tamil-speaking researcher.

What will you get for participating?

The information learned from this study will help to inform future research studies and healthcare services for the Tamil community living in Toronto

You will also get a $20 gift card for participating in the study

Interested in participating?

Contact Us by messaging our TC profile using the 'Send Message' button or:

South Asian Health Research Hub

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 647-705-1984

Sri Lankan Diabetes and Migration Study
South Asian Health Research Hub
The SAHRH is the South Asian Health Research Hub. We are a team of researchers from t...
The SAHRH is the South Asian Health Research Hub. We are a team of researchers from t...
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