Pradeeban Peter-Paul, Tamil-Canadian Olympian
Pradeeban Peter-Paul is a table tennis champion and Tamil-Canadian Olympian who represented Canada at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.
Sen V.
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Pradeeban Peter-Paul is a table tennis champion and Tamil-Canadian Olympian who represented Canada at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

A racket sport en¬thusiast, Pradeeban took great interest in table tennis as a youth in Germany, where it has a large following. Upon moving to Ottawa at age 16, Pradeeban compet¬ed and qualified for the Canadian National Team.

The racqueter’s passion for the sport translated into a decision to pursue table tennis as a career. Pradeeban’s parents and relatives were initially apprehensive about his unconventional career choice, and Pradeeban pursued business in college to appease his par¬ents’ wishes. However, they became taken by his aspi¬rations, skill, and passion for the sport, and his clear success in table tennis tournaments.

Pradeeban’s tremendous skill in the table tennis has translated to success at both the national and international level. Pradeeban won the North American Championship in 2007 and 2008, received bronze medals at the Pan- American Games in 1999 and 2007, and represented Canada at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

As an Olympian and role model, Pradeeban advises youth to do something they love and work hard at it. “Commitment is very important, and sometimes you must sacrifice things to get results. Nothing comes easy, but if you persist you will get results.”

Pradeeban intends to compete in professional table tennis clubs in Europe as well as tournaments across the world. Pradeeban aspires to represent Canada at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

- Sen V.

Originally published in CanTYD Directions Magazine 2009

Sen V.
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