Our Ancestors Hold The Secret to Healthy, Glowing Skin
Many of the latest advancements in skincare lie in the traditions our ancestors carefully developed thousands of years ago as part of an Ayurveda-inspired lifestyle.
Brown Skin
CEO + Founder
United Kingdom
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Retinol at night, vitamin B serum during the day, sunscreen, repeat – that is the formula so many of us in the Western world follow in developing what we consider to be a comprehensive skincare regime.

Yet, as more consumers are rushing for the latest organic and natural skincare trend, Ayurveda-inspired products are gaining in resurgence. 


Translated from Sanskrit, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda is focused on nourishing the mind, body and soul. Rather than focus on a topical approach to beauty and skincare, the focus instead shifts to treating the skin, the largest organ in the body, with the therapeutic properties of ingredients readily found in nature. 


Sheilesh Shah, the founder of the Urban Veda Natural Ayurvedic Skincare line, says interest in Ayurveda lies with the mainstream fascination with yoga and meditation. 


“Ayurveda is the founding principles of these subjects,” said Shah. 


With a dizzying array of brands now selling Ayurvedic skincare, a bit of quick research can help you derive long-term results and figure out how to incorporate it into your skincare regime. 

Dosha is an Ayurvedic terms to describe the various biological energies that determine each individual's physical and mental needs. 

There are three main types: 

Vata (wind and air; people who tend to have drier skin)

Pitta (fire and water; those with skin that's prone to breakouts and rashes)

Kapha (earth and water; people with oily skin)

Equipped with this information, you can then go out and find products best suited to your needs. 


Following local guidelines in your region or country will also help you stay safe in your skincare quest. 
“Ayurveda products are just as potent and safe as [their] chemical counterparts as all beauty products have the same standards set by the EU cosmetic regulation, regardless of the philosophy behind them,” said Shah, whose company is based in the United Kingdom. 
So, while the advantages of turmeric and other ingredients that have been used in an Ayurvedic regime have been heavily cited in mainstream media already, the innovations will continue. 
And if we all take any advice from our ancestors, it's that beauty is truly not just skin deep. 

This article was written by the Brown Skin Essentials (www.brownskinessentials.com) team. We are a London-based Tamil family run business that is devoted to creating quality products for women of colour. Our first offering is 15 denier nude tights in a wide range of shades and sizes (including plus sizes). We ship throughout Europe and internationally to the US and Canada. 


Brown Skin
CEO + Founder | Brown Skin Essentials
United Kingdom
Brown Skin Essentials Ltd. is a fast-growing London-based lifestyle brand founded by a ...
Brown Skin Essentials Ltd. is a fast-growing London-based lifestyle brand founded by a ...
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