Former Halton police deputy chief Nish Duraiappah has been named Chief of Police of the Peel Regional Police, Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) announced on Friday. Duraiappah will become the first South Asian police chief in Ontario's history and the first ever officer of Sri Lankan Tamil background to serve in the top cop role in North America.
Duraiappah, who has been a member of the force for 25 years, will take over from Chris McCord who was appointed interim chief on Jan. 11 this year.
"Deputy Chief Nish Duraiappah has been a valuable member of the team responsible for our success here in Halton," HRPS board chair Rob Burton said in a press release.
"He has also been a key leader in public safety throughout Ontario and Canada. We sincerely wish him all the very best in his new role next door in Peel region."
Burton said Duraiappah's day-to-day approach and the many initiatives that have flourished under his leadership have had a positive and valued impact on members, as well as the community.
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