A.N.B.U.'s First Quarter
A.N.B.U. அன்பு, which loosely translates to 'Love' in Tamil stands for Abuse Never Becomes Us.  A.N.B.U. is a not-for-profit community organization that supports those impacted by childhood sexual abuse within the Tamil community.
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A.N.B.U. அன்பு, which loosely translates to 'Love' in Tamil stands for Abuse Never Becomes Us.  A.N.B.U. is a not-for-profit community organization that supports those impacted by childhood sexual abuse within the Tamil community.

We envision a future where Tamil people who have been impacted by childhood sexual abuse are able to find their voice. Our mission is to provide healing and empowerment through holistic support, resources, and advocacy on behalf of Tamil people who have been impacted by childhood sexual abuse. Check out our site www.anbu.ca for more information.


One of our objectives has been to explore healing through open dialogue on childhood sexual abuse in an effort to raise awareness and build capacity within the Tamil community. We have started this dialogue through the launch of our monthly video series, which has been encompassing a combination of educational and personal conversations regarding the intersectional impact and journey of a survivor, family and community. Monthly releases will have various speakers that will tap into the complexity of violence and trauma, the lifelong impact, post-traumatic growth and the chaotic beauty of healing.


Here is the first of our Video series – “It Happens!”

A.N.B.U.'s first campaign video was made to raise awareness and start a conversation about childhood sexual abuse, a topic that is highly taboo in the Tamil community and many other cultures and communities. We hope that this video, and many others to come in our monthly video series, will help us start our collective journey towards healing!



In February, we identified our theme to be “Support”. The type of support ஆதரவு (Ātharavu) one receives to an intimate disclosure such as childhood sexual abuse, lays the communicative foundation for various relationship dynamics. A survivor’s decision to disclose or not to disclose, impacts their mental health. Speaking about it generally decreases distress and physical symptoms, while silence is correlated with increased physiological activity and risks of physical disease. However, disclosures coupled with negative responses lead to worsening of emotional and physical symptoms. All iof this is indicative of the magnitude that support has on our well being.



Our third video release in March was a tribute to International Women's Day called “Beyond Bruises and Broken Bones”. It depicts gender based violence in Tamil media. Our intention was not to isolate or alienate men in this discussion but rather to stand in solidarity as allies against oppression. Review stats on intimate partner violence here. Our video depicts heterosexual couples but violence within relationships is widespread across sexual orientations and we stand in solidarity as allies within all intersectional identities against injustice and violence.



Visit http://www.anbu.ca to subscribe to our monthly newsletter and stay informed on our upcoming monthly videos, A.N.B.U. events and resources on trauma and healing within the Tamil community.


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Abuse and the intergenerational ripple effect of abuse is rampant within the Tamil community, as it is within many communities. A.N.B.U. exists to acknowledge the Tamil community’s historical and present trauma, and to build and explore our capacity to heal. We are committed to personal and social transformation and aspire to draw on our community's strengths to address and prevent childhood sexual abuse.


Be a part of this movement in thinking...feeling...being.




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