Those memes have got it all wrong, we treat our Partnership like a Relationship
Can you believe it? It’s been two years since Your Sarista was first founded, and we’ve come a long way. We have learned a lot over the last two years, but in the past year we learnt our most valuable lesson. The significance of choosing the RIGHT BUSINESS PARTNER.
2 years into our business and we’ve doubled up on everything - 2 jobs, 2 sets of families, 2 sets of friends, 2 houses to walk in and out of at any time, 2 shoe racks (good thing we’re the same shoe size #meanttobe) but we’re still chasing the 1 dream!
Here are 3 valuable tips to making it work with a business partner:
1) Like any real relationship - COMMUNICATION
We wake up talking to each other, go to sleep talking to each other, and in between we have 3 ongoing conversations about separate topics on Whatsapp, G-chat and FB chat. Do we have other friends? Yes of course we do, but when it comes to a partnership, you need to make the effort to sustain a level of communication and that means to prioritize your business partner (or else the other will probably set out to find you and catch you like some PokemonGo master). Positive or negative, good news or bad news, arguments or pure brainstorming, communication is key. Trust us, we tried the whole mind reading thing, it’s way harder - just come out with it already.
2) Make sure to have FUN together
We love Your Sarista of course, but we do a lot of other things for fun as well and believe it or not they have nothing to do with sarees. We play basketball (mainly in hopes of meeting Uncle Drew on a neighborhood court), we love going out to eat, having board game nights with friends and obviously a great night of dancing!
A lot of people like to say business is business and friendship is friendship. But we’ve managed to combine the two and find a balance that works for the both of us. Point is, we don’t get bored, it’s not just a job, and meetings become something we look forward to. Now wouldn’t it be nice to have that at our corporate jobs as well...
3) Give each other SPACE
As much as we’re always working together, constantly talking to each other, there needs to be that weekend off where we do our own thing with our own family/friends and have a crazy story to tell each other on a Monday morning. We take this seriously because the person with the best story doesn’t have to do saree storage clean up for the week. Giving each other space to relax, rejuvenate and refresh is important to keep the partnership healthy because hey who wants a clingy partner? Giving each other space also reminds us of how important the other partner is to the business, it reminds us why we value each other and we realize how grateful we are to have each other through this journey.
At the end of the day, and yes sh*t has hit the fan on multiple occasions, but practicing good communication, staying true to our friendship and building a strong relationship outside of Your Sarista has enabled a stronger partnership, without which we doubt Your Sarista would have even made it this far!
Come join us as we celebrate our 2nd year Anniversary with an Egyptian twist on Friday July 22, 2016 at York Mills Gallery! Buy your tickets online!
See you in the Sphinx!