A Million Words: An Exhibit on the History of Tamil-Canadians
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a thousand pictures has a million. January is Tamil Heritage Month in Canada. To mark this occasion, Toronto City Councillor Neethan Shan's office is putting together an exhibit on the history of Tamil-Canadians.
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Siva Samson Ravindran
Security Professional
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If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a thousand pictures has a million...

January is Tamil Heritage Month in Canada. To mark the occasion, Toronto City Councillor Neethan Shan is putting together a photo exhibit on the history of Tamil-Canadians to be displayed at Toronto City Hall. Councillor Shan's team will be collecting pictures of Tamil-Canadians showcasing success stories in fields as diverse as the arts, politics, social services, human rights and business.

Here are a few words from Yalini Rajakulasingam and Anujan Rajah, the project directors of this event:

Yalini Rajakulasingam, Project Director

The essence of this photo exhibit is to share the stories of the Tamil community in Canada. It captures our journey in pictures. Through this photo exhibit, we showcase Tamils excelling in their respective fields and making numerous contributions to Canada. We're expressing our gratitude to our parent's generation, and we see it as our duty to preserve our history in photographs for future generations.

Anujan Rajah, Project Director

This project is uniting Tamil communities from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. Tamil-Canadians from coast to coast are coming together to make this project successful. The end product will be a concise collection of untold success stories. Though we could write a book on the history of Tamil-Canadians, we found that using pictures as our medium is also an effective vehicle to showcase our story over the years.

Thus far, pictures from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia have been sent to Neethan Shan’s office for the Tamil Heritage Month event in Toronto. Over 300 Tamil Canadians will come together to celebrate Tamil Heritage Month at the photo exhibit at Toronto City Hall.

The event will take place on January 15th at 6pm.  We hope to see you there!

Register for the event at: eventbrite.ca/e/councillor-neethan-shan-invites-you-to-the-tamil-heritage-month-reception-tickets-39664224764?ref=eios&aff=eios

Follow and Share: facebook.com/AMillionWordsTamilCanadianHistories/

Related articles: January is Officially Declared as Tamil Heritage Month in Canada Tamil Heritage Month: Reflections of the Past, Present and Future of the Tamil Canadian Identity Why Tamil Heritage? The Tamil Community in Canada: A Brief Overview How Many Tamils are in Canada?

Siva Samson Ravindran
Security Professional
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