Nude & Raw - South Asian Spring Fashion
It seems like winter is holding up a little longer than expected here in Toronto. However, spring fashion never delays!
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It seems like winter is holding up a little longer than expected here in Toronto. However, spring fashion never delays!

From the many collections from the Spring 2015 fashion lines, the one trend that stood out to me the most was the romantic nude and raw colours of spring, which is a nice change from the bright and pastel colours we're used to seeing around this time of the year. Whites, nudes and other natural, airy tones which are infused with richer tones, have been popping up in South Asian fashion.

Simplicity is the go-to for this season in terms of print. Subtle prints in single parts of your outfit are soft and pleasing to the eye. The true beauty lies within the textures and designs the fabrics create, with added prints! The great thing about these beautiful pieces is that you can easily translate these looks into your everyday fashion! Focus on creating a more natural outfit this season - using fabric and texture as your statement piece.

Here are some of my favourite pieces from Sanjay Grag of Raw Mango and Rohit Bal's 2015 Spring Line.

green white floral floral2

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